Snack Attack!!

I love to snack! I try to eat smaller meals during the day to make up for the amount of snacking I do. Although I wish I could eat Doritos and ranch dip for every snack, I can’t.

I always keep my refrigerator stocked with a bunch of healthy snacks so that I don’t give in to temptation and go buy unhealthy treats.

My snacks are also very easy to throw in your purse or book bag in case you start to get hungry while your out and about.

This is my snack shelf in the refrigerator. I go to the grocery story on Sunday and restock it when it gets low. I also cut up veggies and place them in containers so they are ready to eat.


I like  to have a variety in snacks so that I am never bored! Here is a list of snack to keep on hand that won’t sabotage your diet.


Pretty much any fruit is healthy for you! Keep your favorite fruits on hand. I love having Cuties on hand because they are easy to bring and eat anywhere!



I love my veggies! I always keep carrots and celery on hand because they are perfect for dipping in OPA Ranch or Wholly Guacamole! I love the proportioned out guacamole cups because then you don’t overeat.



Tuna is one of the easiest protein options to have. With the single serve pouches they are a great snack that will keep you full for awhile! I love the new flavored tunas! The Sweet n Spicy Tuna Creations is my favorite!


String Cheese

String cheese is one of the best creations ever! With so many different flavor options they have today, theres sting cheese for everyone. This snack keeps your taste buds satisfied while not ruining your diet from over eating cheese.



Granola is a perfect snack that keeps you full for awhile. I love to try different granola brands. My favorite right now is Bear Naked Granola. Be careful with all the flavors though. Some granola brands have a ton of unnecessary carbs, and sugar!


Here is a list of more healthy snack options!

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Easy Meal Prep… Frozen Pasta!

This past weekend I was searching through different recipe blogs and I stumbled across the simplest, brightest, and easy meal preparation that a lot of people have never heard of… frozen pasta!


Jazmin Rode has a step by step guide on how to to freeze pasta and separate it for easy meal preparation. I thought this was too easy and too good to be true. After following the simple directions I had 16 packages of frozen pasta ready to be popped in the microwave for a quick delicious lunch!

I can’t say how amazing and simple this idea of meal preparation is! I am one who loves to eat pasta but hates cooking it, and I always makes too much!  This way of cooking, freezing and separating the pasta lets you enjoy pasta in moderation. It also is super quick too so it is a perfect meal for busy bodies!

This frozen pasta idea has opened my eyes to so many different ideas for healthy quick lunches! For added deliciousness, you can add precooked chicken or veggies into the dish too!

I bought two of my favorite sauces (Ragu Traditional & Bertolli Light Alfredo) and separated them into sandwich bags to freeze. I also created two sauces (recipes below) to go with my frozen pasta.

These sauces can be thrown in with the pasta when you microwave them.

Cajun Alfredo Sauce

1 Jar of Light Alfredo Sauce

3 Tbsp of Cajun season

1 Clove of garlic

1 tsp. of pepper

Mix ingredients together, separate sauce into 8 sandwich bags, and place in the freezer.

Sweet n Spicy n Nutty Sauce 

1/2 Cup of low sodium soy sauce

1/4 Cup of water

2 Tbsp. of PB2

1 Tbsp. Honey

1 Clove of garlic

2 Tsp. of Red pepper flakes

1 Tbsp. of Siracha hot sauce

Mix ingredients together, separate sauce into 4 sandwich bags, and place in the freezer.

This simple meal preparation will save you time and money while enjoying your favorite pasta dishes!

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Top 5 Healthy Condiments and Sauces

I love condiments! Whatever I am eating I am always dousing my food in some sort of sauce. Sauce can add great flavor to any dish… but it also packs on more calories, and fat.

I tried eating food dry or plain but the food never satisfied my taste buds. Eating french fries without ketchup or chipotle mayo should be a sin!

I have tested out many different healthy alternatives to some of my favorite condiments in the past couple of years. Some tasted amazing, and tasted like I was eating poison. Finding condiments that are healthy and tasty was harder than I thought!

I have finally perfected the best list of healthy condiments to keep on hand at all times. You will notice that I use a lot of these condiments to cook with!

Here is a list of my Top 5 Healthy Condiments and Sauces!

1. OPA Ranch Dressing


I am from Ohio, therefore I put ranch on everything! This is the perfect alternative to Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing. With half the calories and a third of the fat OPA Ranch is a perfect sauce to dip your french fries, chicken nuggets, buffalo chicken wrap, or carrots into!

2.Siracha Hot Sauce


I have been putting Siracha on sauces and in soups since I was a little kid. I love this stuff! I have built up a tolerance to the heat so I am able to use more than the serving size suggests, but it doesn’t matter because it won’t effect your diet! Only 5 calories a teaspoon with 1 gram of sugar and low sodium this hot sauce will take any dish to the next level!

3. Dannon Oikos Plain Non-fat Greek Yogurt


I have replaced mayonnaise with greek yogurt. It sounds weird but its the perfect alternative when making chicken or tuna salad and goes great on a turkey burger! This yogurt has no fat, compared to the 10 grams that is in mayonnaise.

4. Salsa

GFG 16oz Mango Peach.jpg

Salsa may be the easiest and most versatile condiment to have on hand. Salsa is a guilt free condiment that has so many different varieties. Whenever I go to the grocery store I also try a new brand. I really love the fresh salsas that are in the refrigerator section! Go ahead and put a good amount of salsa on your eggs because this condiment won’t effect your waistline!



PB2 is the greatest condiment since peanut butter! PB2 is made up of only 3 ingredients, roasted peanuts, sugar and salt. It is in a powder form and can be made into a paste with water. I was so skeptical about trying PB2 because I thought it was too good to be true, but when I mixed it in a banana smoothie I was amazed! This powder is 45 calories for 2 tablespoons and only 1.5 grams of fat. Mix is with water and put it on toast for a guilt free breakfast!

For more nutritional information visit: Self Nutrition Data 


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Buffalo Chicken Wraps

One of the best combinations every, has to be buffalo chicken and ranch. Just thinking of those two items makes my mouth water!

Whenever I go to a restaurant with bar food, I always want to order a buffalo chicken sandwich or wrap. I try not to order it every time because the amount of fat and carbs in the delicious goodness is just too much.

I have finally perfected an amazing healthy buffalo chicken wrap! It’s delicious and curbs my cravings.

This recipe is perfect for busy people because you can throw it in the crockpot in the morning and it will be done by the afternoon.


1.5lbs of boneless skinless chicken tenderloins

1 12oz bottle of Franks Hot Sauce (or Kroger Brand)

½ cup of chicken broth

1 tbsp. of reduced fat crumbled blue cheese

1 tbsp. ranch dressing (I use OPA Ranch, its made with Greek yogurt. So good!)

Light sandwich wraps


Step 1: Place the chicken, chicken broth, and whole bottle of hot sauce in the crock-pot.


Step 2: Cook on High for 4 hours.

Step 3: When chicken is cooked, shred up the chicken with a fork and knife.

Step 4: Spread the ranch dressing onto the wrap. Put about 4oz of chicken on the wrap and top with blue cheese crumbles. Wrap up the chicken and enjoy!



I like to make this at the beginning of the week and use the left overs for salads and flatbreads!


Serving Size: 1 Wrap

Serves: 6

Healthy Buffalo Chicken Wraps

 Calories: 281

Fat: 10g

Carbohydrates: 17g

Fiber: 10g

Protein: 35g

Compared to:


Cheddars Buffalo Chicken Wrap

 Calories: 574

 Fat: 29g

Carbohydrates: 55g

Fiber: 2g

Protein: 20g

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Spaghetti Squash Alfredo

I love pasta! Let me rephrase.. I love carbs!  I try not to eat too much of white carbs.. Like bread and pasta… But I am only human.

One of my favorite recipes when I want pasta is Spaghetti Squash Alfredo. It’s super easy to make, taste great, and calms my pasta cravings.

Like I said before this recipe is super easy and only takes 5 minutes of preparation.

What you will need:
1 spaghetti squash
1/2 tsp of  black pepper
1/2 tsp of garlic salt
1 tbsp of olive oil
1/2 cup light alfredo sauce
1 tbsp of Parmesan cheese

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 450F. Cut the squash in half. Make sure to cut the squash lengthwise from stem to bottom. (Spaghetti squash is hard to cut through, so use a sharp knife!) 


Step 2: Scoop the seeds out of the middle of the squash and place on baking sheet.

Step 3: Pour the olive oil on the squash and spread it around. Season with garlic salt and pepper.


Step 4: Place the squash in the oven for 40 minutes.

Step 5: When the squash has 5 minutes left , take the light Alfredo sauce and heat it on a medium setting, on the stove. (If you are feeling lazy, the sauce can be warmed in the microwave!)

Step 6: Take the squash out of the oven and fluff it up with a fork, and place on a plate.

Step 7: Pour the Alfredo sauce over the  squash and enjoy!


Serving Size: Half of Squash

Serves 2

Spaghetti Squash Alfredo

205 Calories

11 g Fat

14g Carbohydrates

5g Fiber

Protein 2

Compared To:

Olive Garden Fettuccine Alfredo

1220 Calories

75g Fat

99g Carbohydrates

5g Fiber

36g Protein

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Brier Hill Pizza!

I am going to designate my first post to one of my favorite foods in the world.. PIZZA! I don’t think I can ever eat enough of it!

Because I crave pizza all the time, I am always trying to find ways to make it healthier. One of my favorite was to make pizza is the Brier Hill way.

Brier Hill pizza is famous in my hometown Youngstown, Ohio. The pizza was invented in Italy, but Youngstown has perfected it.

The main difference between Brier Hill pizza and regular pizza is that the Brier Hill uses Parmesan or Romano cheese instead of mozzarella. This cuts down on calories and fat by a lot!!

I eat this pizza when I am craving a heavenly goodness but don’t want to feel gross after eating it.

Brier Hill is very easy to make and has many variations to it.


What you will need:

1 Can of Pillsbury Artisan Pizza Crust ( I used whole grain. More calories but fills you up longer)

1 Jar Pizza Sauce

9 Small Peppers

1 8 oz. Can of Mushrooms (Optional)

2Tbsp Olive Oil

Salt and Red Pepper Flakes (as needed)

¼ Cup of Parmesan or Romano Cheese


Step 1: Prebake the pizza crust dough as the package says. (400F for 8 minutes)


Step 2: While the crust is baking, cut up the peppers and sauté them with the mushrooms in 2 Tbsps. of olive oil over medium heat until they are soft.


Step 3: Once the pizza crust is done baking pour the pizza sauce onto the crust and spread it. (Use as much sauce as you would like! Everyone likes a different amount of sauce… I used the whole jar!)

Step 4: Cover the pizza in the sautéed mushrooms and peppers. After, sprinkle the cheese onto the pizza. Add salt or red pepper flakes if you would like. (I love my pizza a little spicy so I add lots of red pepper flakes!)

Step 5: Place the pizza back into the oven for 8 minutes.

Step 6: Take the pizza out of the oven and devour it!… (or share)



This pizza is perfect for when you have pizza cravings without feeling guilty about it. Hope you enjoy!

For more information on Brier Hill Pizza click here


Serving Size: 2 Pieces of Pizza

Serves 4


Brier Hill Pizza

305 Calories

13.3g Fat

41g Carbohydrates

5g Fiber

14g Protein

Compared To:

Donatos Veggie Pizza

366 Calories

21g Fat

69g Carbohydrates

5g Fiber

28g Protein

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